Svar på varför Lila gick bort... :'(

Nu har vi fått reda på vad som hände med Lila eftersom Mileys mamma, Tish, har bloggat om vad som hände.
Gud. Tycker så sjukt synd om Miley. Både Lila & Ziggy är borta :'( All min kärlek till Miley. Hon måste inte må så bra.
Tish skrev:

The way that Lila was taken from her was beyond terrible.  Sometimes things happen that we just cant understand.  Miley still isn't ready to talk about it, but I thought you guys should know what happened.  
For some unknown reason,  Ziggy........ grabbed Lila.  Not really sure if she was playing or what?  She grabbed her in just the wrong spot and Lila didn't survive.............  Please understand that Miley isn't ready to talk about this and we dont think Ziggy is a mean dog........  We took Ziggy to SPOT dog rescue and they found her a new home with no other pets or children just in case it wasn't a fluke.  So not only did Miley lose Lila,  she feels she lost Ziggy as well.

Smilers är alltid vid din sida Miley ♥

Kom ihåg mig?

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