Gwen Steffani pratar om Miley.

Gwen kallades till Air With Ryan Seacrest nyligen för att prata om No Doubts nya album Push and Shove, Flavor Flavs ihop mixning, hennes framträdande på iheartradio och om Miley Cyrus. Hon sa:

 Om Miley:
 “She was so cool. I love Miley. She looked hot [at iHeartRadio] too. I asked her about her record. I said ‘Are you making a ridiculously good record?’ because she better be! She said she loves it. So I’m excited to hear what she does.
Om Flavor Flavs ihopmixning med Miley:
Gwen sa, “Flavor Flav grabs me [at iHeartRadio] and is like ‘Oh my gosh I’m so embarrassed, I completely thought you were somebody else! No body told me! But its cool, its cool, its cool.’ Then he took a picture with me and tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘Is that really you? Did you really take a picture with me?’”

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